First, Happy New Year, all!
Next, to kick off the new year I am doing something I've
never done before (so I'll try not to botch it up).
Welcome to my first giveaway!!!!!
I am giving away cultural food!!!!!
(Crickets chirping)
I thought there would be a tad more enthusiasm out there.
Perhaps an explanation?
This being a quiet week after all the festivities of November
and December, I made myself head down to the sewing room
for some tidy-up because, frankly, it is an embarrassing mess.
About 5 minutes into the task, I recognized the odd, twitchy
sensation in my fingers that usually accompanies a new,
insane project idea. So I abandoned the cleanup and
contributed further to the sewing table chaos
by cutting and sewing
Oh (wiping tears), I haven't had
a good laugh like that in a while.
For the unfamiliar, Chinese New Year (CNY) is around
the corner. In fact, it's almost exactly a month after Christmas
this year, which was a month after Thanksgiving. Us bicultural
folks got a bad deal this year- three major holidays with
major food, in a row. I remember feeling extremely relieved
when Christmas was over, thinking I could twiddle my
thumbs for the next two months or so before I needed to call
mum on the phone and ask her when CNY is this year. Then
I accidentally discovered it was in January! Bah. The leftover
Christmas goodies are still unfinished and yet the CNY baking
must begin. If that's not excessive, I don't know what is.
Anyway, CNY always makes me think of home (my other
home, I mean) and because I am so unnatural at it, I also
try and act cultural. This means suddenly wearing brocade
and other Chinese suits, attempting to practise some of
the greetings that we spout during the New Year and
stocking up on oranges (California navels, though, not
mandarins). Also, thinking of Singapore and food makes
me chuckle when I remember the penchant of the food
merchants to modify (being conservative here) completely
harmless dishes to reflect local tastes. We're not talking
spicy-vs-non-spicy, here. I'm thinking of cheeseburgers
with rendang sauce and pizza with mayonnaise and squid.
And CNY, with its celebration of all things red and auspicious,
seems to bring out the most creative in the competition.
So here is my entry: the Prosperity Donut -
a deep-fried mantou-dough with pineapple frosting
But what is prosperity, really, unless it is given away, right?
So I am giving away the Prosperity Donut AND the pineapple
tart to one lucky person who leaves a comment to this post.
Tell me what you have in your fridge, what your new year
resolutions are, whom you're dating, how you found this
blog, what car you drive, what your favorite crafting medium
is, what you think of the new HDB guidelines (I'm joking),
whatever- make me smile! I am very used to sending stuff
overseas, so anyone whose mailing address is written in
English can enter- you don't have to live in the US.
All I ask is that you leave your name and a valid
email address (to block spam) in your comment so I
can contact you if you win. Obviously if you're a
childhood friend, feel free to use your secret nickname!
I'll close entries at midnight this Saturday
(i.e. 2 pm Sunday, Singapore time) and do a random-number
draw on Sunday. I can't promise that the food
will arrive by CNY but I'll try.
And in the unlikely event that there are more than 20
comments, I will give away a second Prosperity Donut and
I may be culturally-deficient but I know this much: stuff
must be given in pairs during the new year!
So spread the word and start thinking of trivia to tell me!
I'm not going back to the sewing table for a while now,
though. Given today's wicked distraction, it's too dangerous.
There's some real baking to be done.