Hello friends!
Short housekeeping post today. Those of you who've subscribed to my blog by email may have not been receiving my recent posts because Feedburner, the service that delivers my posts to you, folded earlier in the summer. I've been pretty busy and haven't taken the time to set up an alternative delivery arrangement till this week, and I apologize for that.
What this means is:
1 If you've been getting my posts by email in the past, you might've noticed that you're getting them again. You might also have received an email from follow.it, the new service organization to inform you of this. If so, hurrah! You don't need to do anything else - you'll continue to receive my future posts in your email inbox.
2 If you've been getting my posts by email in the past but now aren't, even after my feed delivery issue has been fixed, it could be that your email address was somehow missed in the migration. Please consider re-subscribing - simply go to the sidebar of my blog and re-enter your email address in the widget (circled below).
3 If you'd like to receive my blog posts by email, go ahead and subscribe with that widget in my sidebar. too.
Again, I'm so sorry for the disruption to the email feed. I'm not sure how many blog posts we've missed while it was down, so here's a quick summary of the most recent ones: I talked about my journey through grief in this long one, deconstructed some crocheted baskets here and got all excited about my new wallets in a shop update here.
Other news: I'm working on a new, smallish shoulder bag. Can't wait to share!