Well, I'm not on the beach... yet. We're probably still on the plane right now. It's a 22+ hour flight, with just one stopover - for about an hour - in Japan. This is as direct a flight as it gets between the snow and the sunshine. Every time we fly, the husband and I seriously consider flights with a few more stopovers, just so we don't land in Singapore at 1 am. And we always fantasize about flying through Europe or San Fransisco, and catching the Singapore Airlines flight into its home airport. But we always revert to our old, boring Delta direct-flight choice: with little kids, shorter is better, even if it means 15 hours at a stretch. We think going stark raving bonkers confined in an airplane is still much better than going stark raving bonkers lugging ALL our check-in luggage+three kids+their small animal friends all over several other airports as we change planes and re-greet customs officers, force-emptying our water bottles as we go.
Think good thoughts for us as we fly! We have Sharpies! We are invincible!
I just wanted to get this post out about some housekeeping matters while I'm away.
1 The etsy shop
is closed till we get back. Not that there's a lot in there usually, anyway. You can still convo me about things you like, because I will have internet access where I am. Almost all the ribbon ball kits have been sold, save two (Savanna and Mod Orange), so if you're still thinking of a kit, you can think about those, or I can put a kit together in the colors you might want when I get back.
2 The pattern store
stays open, since the hosting site emails out download links automatically upon receiving payment from you. I don't manually need to send anything out to you, unless you run into download difficulties, which brings me to my plea:
Please, please, please, avoid using Internet Explorer, if you plan to buy a pattern while I'm away. Firefox and Google Chrome are better bets, because IE almost always crashes with these big files. Also, please don't be daft and try and check the download link while you're on your work computer or your iPhone or iPad when you actually want it saved to your computer at home. The file downloads immediately to whichever device you are on. While I have internet access and possibly access to my pattern files remotely, I can't guarantee that I can get them to you by email attachment the way I can when I'm in my own house at my own computer. This means you could be left for two weeks with no pattern and having paypal-ed me your money. I apologize in advance if this happens to you, but I've left this same disclaimer on the page from which you purchase the patterns, so you might be reminded before you click "buy".
3 Autoposts
(other than this one) will not be happening! I am on vacation. And by "vacation", I mean "I am on vacation". I'll miss you guys, but not enough to want to give the impression that I'm still here when I'm elsewhere. I'm going to be away from my sewing machine (hurrah!) and Mum (bless her) says she collected some neighbor's moving boxes so I may do some cardboarding in Singapore. Maybe if I feel like it, I might even pop in to share some real-time exciting seamstressing from the get-togethers with Auntie Laura, Mum, Dad (sorry - seamster) and Jen and the various other sewing relatives, but, otherwise, things will be quiet around here. See you when we touch down here again!