True, this is several days after, but at least I made it before the end of the year, so it still counts, right?
How was everyone's celebrations? I hope you had safe travels, warm homes and full hearts. Christmas for us this year was a little crazier than usual because we added some travel to the mix to see family. Which, when one also has pets who need to be cared for while one is away, is a substantial item to add to the already-full to-do list.
Anyway, I decided that I needed to slow down and savor the richness of the Advent season, so I pulled out my wooden blanks and paintbrushes and made these trees. I've made these with my girls before, long ago when they were still little, so I felt all nostalgic painting a whole new batch late into the night this year. It was oddly cathartic, in a way sewing or cardboarding can never be - there's something about the detailwork, I think, and the smallness of the project and the feel of wood in one's hand.
These were gifts to my family and friends in Singapore this year - a little wooden tree for each household whose people have been in my life for as long as I can remember. If I'd had more time, I'd have painted twice as many, because when one starts to take stock of all the folks one has been loved by, fifteen doesn't even come close.
Blessings and good thoughts to you guys this Christmas and the new year! May the days ahead be full of peace, good health and crazy-creative inspiration, buoyed by rich, happy times with all the people you love. I hope 2019 has been a year of glorious memories, and that 2020 will be same, and more.
See you next year!