. . . also, Merry Christmas, everyone!
If only we'd gotten our act together enough to take a glowing family portrait. Alas, we did not.
No - wait - we did:
Anyway, about that Niffler. I did make him after all (and yes, he even has a pocket for jewelry). Here are some substandard creature-shots in horrendous lighting.
That aside, I would not say he is perfect. For instance, I didn't have black fur in the house and had to make him dark brown. His snout/bill/snuffly nose thing isn't amazingly precise.
But Emily (who'd asked for him) was right - he is somewhat Menagerie-esque in shape, and for a single night's work of drafting this prototype, Emily was quite happy with him.
Speaking of things Harry Potterish, I am still editing the hundreds of photos of Emily's Harry Potter party in September. I shall post them soon!
Have a wonderful new year, all, and may it be rich in family, love, safety, health, hope, peace, and all the things that truly matter.