Continuing with the whale theme, here is a Narwhal. Anatomically, it's whale-shaped in that its tail end is narrower and more streamlined than its head end, but that head is less blocky and its profile as a whole less oblong than the Sperm Whale's.
I used the Menagerie body templates as is but modified the base (which is now the face), curving it out with darts
to make the Narwhal's more rounded head.
Here are some side-by-side shots of the two whales,
so you can see the difference the darts made. It's not as evident from the top,
but clearly so from the side.
That modification aside, the other features were simple add-ons:
tail, fins and tusk.
The narwhal's tail is differently shaped than the sperm whale's,
as are its pectoral fins.
Real-life narwhals are dark on the dorsal half of their bodies and pale on the belly half, so I gave ours a white belly and made the undersides of their pectoral fines white to match.
Finally, here's the Narwhal's iconic overgrown tooth that looks like a horn but actually isn't. I've recently learned that rather than being a lance for killing, say, pirates, that tooth is really a sensory organ used for finding food and mates, as well as to stun fish to make them easier to capture. Isn't nature marvelous?
So, that tusk. It's a skinny fleece cone, stuffed tight and wound around with pearl cotton or embroidery floss, then hand stitched to the center of the face.
Here are the two whales together.