So last night I googled Radio Shack and found they stock wonderful things like bitty capacitors, resistors, DC motors, LEDs, buzzers, transistors, and all manner of basic electronic components. My college degree was in physics, not electronics, so I am not one of those brilliant folks who can make robots that clean your house and answer your phone for you. I spent most of my time in college falling asleep in theory lectures, and in optics labs trying to create holograms, and in some back closet unearthing and fine-tuning the callibrating systems of old moving instruments. Very un-sewing, I know. It's surreal looking back now - but then it was challenging and fun, and incredibly gratifying to come home with a half-built pre-amp circuitboard in my purse, along with my mints and discman (if you didn't know how old I am, you do now). I found things like that very amusing.
But back to Radio Shack. We had just picked out that toggle switch we needed, and a little motor for the kids. Emily, who'd been oddly fascinated by all the circuit components in the little drawers we'd been pulling open, pointed to a circuit symbol on the little drawer in front of her. It was an LED, which she'd met for the first time only yesterday.
"Mom," she whispered to me. "We need a couple more of those. Brighter ones."
And when the store manager showed us an LED that changed colors, her eyes widened and she said, "Mom, please can we buy that one?"
I was so proud. True, two children were behaving worse than in a fabric store but one wasn't. This one knew what was going on. And wanted to play with this stuff. And remembered yesterday's messing around with mom's wires and bulbs and whatnot.
I came home wondering what exactly it was about those LEDs that made me grin like an idiot at her in the store. I've decided it wasn't that it was an electronic component per se. I think it is this nebulous thing called Instilling. It's the same thing that makes me glad my own parents exposed me to all kinds of odd things - from country music to embroidery to oil paints to hacksaws to shellac to treadle sewing machines to awls to softball to scotch tape. It's the less evident motivation behind them letting me try out stuff that they hadn't experienced themselves that insurance companies listed as "exempted activities". It's my own instinct to let Kate wield a messy paintbrush frighteningly close to a white wall, or Jenna work with permanent markers and scissors and my good, non-Crayola oil pastels. Or Emily with LEDs. It is my parents never saying, "Nah, that's for boys." Or "I don't think that's something you'd like." And it is my parents - and teachers - also saying, "Redo that". "Unpick that seam." "Add another coat, and sand it first." "That's not quite right". "Try it again, like this." "You can do better than that."
Distilled to its most fundamental, it is this: I want my kids to take on the world without even the wisp of a thought that anything is impossible, or unsuitable. Within reasonable limits. They should know social and safety norms, of course. And there is the tragedy of being a jack of all trades etc. And some days I am so tired of clearing messes, that I am guilty of saying, "Let's not do that today. How about waiting till you're a teenager?" But that's me being human. And I don't expect myself, even at my insanest, to be perpetually creating opportunities for the kids to invent robots, build amazing recycled structures, sew clothes for all the neighbors on our street, and write their own cooking books. But faced with the choice of letting them do the same old craft for the umpteenth, convenientth time and trying something completely wacky, premature for their age, inevitably messy and thrillingly unchartered, I hope I pick the better. And I hope I am watching long enough to see them do it well.
What a wonderful thing you are doing, not just for your children, but for the world.
ReplyDeleteThere is no better gift, other than love and faith, you could give them! Bravo!
You are also showing them, by example, that one can never know enough, and that you can always strive to do better!
Learning how to learn, and that it is ok to learn, is key. Keep it up!
You are my kind of mom. I continue to enjoy the thoughtful words you use to describe your kind of mothering! Keep up the good work! BTW-I love your quote about behavior in a fabric store.If I even mentioned the name my boys eyes would glaze over!
ReplyDeletewonderful. giving children a basic exposure to a wide variety of things.. to try, to learn, to enjoy. to instill wonder, not boredom.
ReplyDeletethose are the cornerstones to bringing up kids.
Loved it.
How I wished I had your energy and creativity in teaching your kids !
great post! you're the type of mum I strive to be. I knew it the moment I saw your princess pavillion.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear!!! And yay for PHYSICS!!!
ReplyDeleteI am proud of YOU! My daughter is too young to do much on her own (will turn 2 in June), and my other daughters are still in the womb (8 more weeks!), but I spend a lot of time thinking about how to encourage them to be confident and without self-imposed (or culturally imposed) boundaries about what they can do.
ReplyDeleteI think it is wonderful that you are exposing your children to everything. My daughter now has an obsession with craft supplies, but also loves to get the tools out and fix things with her Dad.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool! My mom always said she was running a learning laboratory, and it certainly sounds as if you do that for your girls! And I had no idea that you could buy capacitors, etc from Radio Shack - good to know!