Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Here's a simple craft the girls and I did over the weekend with polystyrene balls, paper cups, acrylic paint and glitter. We did this especially for Jenna, who adores cupcakes.

First we cut the polystyrene balls in half. Then we cut the papercups down to size - so the polystyrene hemispheres could sit on the cups and not fall in.

Then we painted the hemispheres with acrylic paint.

We also painted the cups. Some of us used markers.

When they were dry, we glued the hemispheres to the cups.

Then we painted a layer of varnish/Mod Podge over the top and added glitter.

Quite a lot of glitter, actually.

And some "frosting" squiggles with puffy paint.

And let it dry overnight.

Yes, it was a little messy. But those are the kinds of crafts we like- and besides, you should see us when we get out our
chalk pastels. Awful. Even I regret suggesting it.


  1. Such pretty cupcakes!!! Messy crafts are the best! Mike is off to Italy (tough life, he has), and so I've got all sorts of messy crafts planned for while he's gone...

  2. So simple but gorgeous! Wish you a nice tea party! ;o)

  3. That looks like so much fun! I would love to spend an afternoon doing this. Thanks so much, I'll be linking.


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