Friday, December 23, 2011

Giveaway Winners!

Thank you all for participating in the Fabric-by-Fabric book and fabric giveaway! The giveaway is now closed, and we have six winners! Congratulations!

The winner of the book is

Congratulations, Missy!
Storey Publishing will be mailing the book out directly to you!

And now for the fabric!

The winners of one yard (each) of fabric are

Congratulations, you guys! I'll be mailing out your fabric as soon as I get your postal addresses, but not till after the mad Christmas mail jam at the post office blows over. Could be as early as next week, or as late as the new year!

I've sent an email to all six of you, so please check your inbox.

And here's something (thanks for sharing it, Leigh Ann!) - Fabric-by-Fabric was on TV! Rebecca Yaker, one of the co-authors, was on one of our local channels to talk about the book. And so was Pig! She was a bit nervous (Pig, I mean; Rebecca was fabulous), but that's what comes of bringing all six kids with you to a TV studio because she couldn't get a babysitter, poor thing. Also my gingham sundress got a few seconds of air time before being peeled away. Did you see? 

Well, that was fun.

The Lights Project post will be up later today. See you then!

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Thank you for talking to me! If you have a question, I might reply to it here in the comments or in an email.