Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wedding Weekend


Some random photos of the wedding I was telling you all about - the one that I was trying to sew a dress for and then gave up and dug some random thing out of my closet to wear to? Yeah, that one. 

Anyway, I was writing up the post for our family blog and thought I'd share some photos here, too , just so you get to see what store-bought stuff the girls and I eventually modeled.

Thank you, Old Navy and Target!

My jewelry, though, is handmade (by Auntie Laura). 

And here is a photo of me at the lake on the 4th of July, working on that Bag Pattern. Which I'm two-thirds-way through, incidentally, and up to photo #58. Prolly be close to 100 by the time I'm done. I have to say that annotating photos isn't my idea of summer fun, but it will teach people to make nice bags, so I'm not giving up. 

Now I'm thinking.... Kate is in a sort of pirate phase now. She made herself a telescope (and people used to think 4-year-olds couldn't make 3D cardboard stuff. Scoff!) and had Emily make her a beard, eyepatch and the Jolly Roger. I'll have to show you the ensemble some day - complete with parrot on cardboard stand, asking for c(w)ackers. But she needs a seaworthy vessel and the cardboard box from my birthday vacuum cleaner is sitting in the garage, plus I'd always wanted to make a rotating cardboard periscope, so...... hm.....

Or I could go swimming. 


  1. You have a lovely family. Hope you're enjoying your summer. :)

  2. Oh my goodness. I have a large box in the kitchen to which I was going to stick a mast and a jolly roger and hope for the best. I think I'll hold off until you get back from your swim! ;-)

  3. Yay for Old Navy and Target!

    Still loving those bags! Definitely want to either buy one or buy and make the pattern!!! Or both :)

  4. Bag... think BAG!!! Bag PATTERN!!! (How's that for a subliminal message?)

    Your photos are so lovely, and the one of you is beautiful! So is your handmade jewelry!

    Now I don't feel too sorry for you working on the BAG PATTERN on your vacation... who could ask for a nicer editing spot? :)

  5. You look gorgeous! I really love you skirt and smiley face. What a great hammock;)

  6. love the huge hammock!! I saw this, and thought u should have a look :D


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