Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Am Thankful For

these three little ones, and their dad, who took this photo earlier this summer. I am also thankful that I am not the only one behind the lens. Do you know how rare it is for all three to be looking at the camera? It never happens when I'm the photographer.

Ah, yes, Thanksgiving..... season of too much food and shopping. I'm thankful that's over. I can barely walk now, I ate so much. Also, not to sound ungrateful or anything, but why can't it be summer all year round?

P.S. In case you were wondering, only one of them is wearing handmade. The other two are wearing store-bought. Am thankful for that, too.


  1. Okay, I'm guessing that the handmade dress is the blue, green, & white number...right?

  2. Hey Lady! Have you recovered yet?! I, too, had a post Halloween cold crash. Sometimes you gotta say enough, huh? And just hit the sheets. Sewing can wait!

  3. Hi, Greetings form Brazil.
    I just have to say, You have the most cutie-pie girls in the world!


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