Sunday, December 30, 2012


Still in post-Christmas disorientation, but wanted to share with you one of our handmade (cardboard) gifts. Especially since I feel bad that cardboard has been so underrepresented of late, here on the blog. It's just not right. 

Emily made this clapperboard, and I helped. She wanted to make something for Jenna out of cardboard so we schemed together to make a clapperboard for the numerous movies that Jenna does on her little videocamera. It's cardboard, about half an inch thick, and swings open with a Makedo hinge. 

We stuck chalkboard paper on the lower part, and drew on permanent lines and text with correction fluid and silver ink. The rest of the clapperboard is wrapped in black construction paper and embellished with white printer paper stripes.

Here is Kate holding it, before it got wrapped up.

And here is Kate demonstrating its use:

Jenna was thrilled to get it (after we explained to her what it was)! 


  1. This is such a special handmade gift. My daughters have started making little movies, this would be such a fun project. Emily, thank you for the inspiration! Three cheers for cardboard crafting! Happy New Year to your family.

  2. Hi LiEr- I just recently found your blog and have loved seeing all the creative things you design. I have a special place in my heart for the cardboard items. This clapperboard is marvelous! I use a lot of recycled cardboard to create print blocks for printing fabric designs. I've been really "taken" by your use of it for dimensional things. Thanks for sharing all your creativity.--Julie

  3. How cute! I think my daughter might like a clapperboard!

  4. Beautifully made, Emily! Cardboarding is one of my January goals - I've built up a lovely stash and FINALLY found the X-Acto knife blades I put away "in a safe place" about a week before Anna (#4) was born. Silly, silly, me. I'm actually contemplating a version of your Faraway Tree house - Emma read the entire trilogy over winter break and adored it, so the timing is perfect!

  5. This is such a great idea! I'm sure she'll have a blast playing with it!

  6. That is so awesome. i love that the girls wanted to make each other gifts.

  7. Why is it I can never think of ideas like this! Amazing and now I may make one someday soon for my girls, thanks for all your amazing ideas!


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