Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Shop Update

Hi friends!

I didn't take the time earlier to explain what's currently in my Etsy store so let me do that now. All the coats have been sold, and two of the Bunny-&-Carrot sets. There is still one Bunny set left, 

and a couple of Bunny mini bags,

and Bunny kits (fabric and notions for making Bunnies) for just $20!

Also in the store is a family of Cat & Kittens. The kittens store in the belly of the mother cat, inside a zippered compartment.

Emily is making new wizarding wands for the store (or maybe getting a head start for the summer kids'c craft fair). When they're ready, I'll let you know so you can browse and buy!

Alpha pattern respondees: get your Bunny & Carrot pattern at 50% off before the end of the year - the code expires on Dec 31st. 

1 comment:

  1. It has been AGES since I have been to your blog. I do not know why.
    I have been busy. Your blog used to be my favorite.

    Now, I have grand babies but they are still too little for inventive fun. I must resubscribe, something must have happened that I do not get your updates. As always, thank you for the fun and inspiration. I love making stuff too and have an engineers kind of thinking.
    Happy New Year


Thank you for talking to me! If you have a question, I might reply to it here in the comments or in an email.