Monday, May 7, 2018

She Said She Was Stopping

. . . and it turns out that she may have lied.

What am I talking about?

One month ago, I declared a moratorium on the making of new Menagerie critters to focus on writing instructions for the ones I'd already made.

And in my defence, I had stopped.

But then opportunity called.

So here's the story: I'm on a team that's planning a summer program for the kids in our church and some weeks ago, we pulled up the resource websites for this year's VBS curriculum. And there we saw the mascot-animal-creature-things and whoa:

A sloth.

He's even called Moe, like our Sloth.

And then there was this.

What are the odds that I also happen to have a Toucan sitting around the house somewhere?

Two out of six. Hm.

So then I thought, "A jaguar, a manta, an iguana and a seahorse. How hard would it be to make those?"

So I did.

Last week, I finished these guys. Four of them were Menagerie critters, and the other two were flat, 2D shapes that were really easier to put together. I'd have liked the sloth to have been less silvery and more taupe, but that was the fabric that was available.

We'll be using these animals for props, in the decor, as lesson aids and giveaways at the end of our summer program. FUN.

And I've decided that any Menagerie sewing counts as pattern-developing because I'm refining prototypes and generating new variations. Not to mention easing back into the discipline of taking photos as I cut and sew, in preparation for writing the instructions for you.

But now I really am stopping. I'll pop in again with individual posts of the iguana, new-fur sloth,  jaguar cub, seahorse and manta, and then I'll share a tutorial for another fun and simple project for summer!

(Which, with today's almost-90F temp, has finally arrived. Hurrah.)

(photo credits for the six character screenshots Moe, Beacon, Hope, Rae, Coral and Guac:


  1. Any chance for a tutorial for that manta ray? Or pattern? My son is nuts for rays.

  2. Straight to 90 degrees? Wow!

    These are fabulous. I was just wondering about your menagerie creature status yesterday, so it was fun to wake up to this in my inbox :)

  3. Cute! It looks like you have jumped straight from winter to summer too! Ah, life in the midwest.

  4. I'd say the VBS team is blessed to have you as a member. What a great addition to your program!

  5. I *Love* them all.... but the seahorse is sooooo appealing!


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