Monday, October 18, 2021

Name The Critter

Hello, all!

So, last week I made this creature.  

Before I was asked to make this (it's a gift for the friend of one of my kids), I had never heard of it. And when I'd finished it, I wondered if the recipient would even be able to identify it. So thought I'd ask you guys if you could tell what it was. Anyone want to take a shot? I'll reveal the answer before the end of the week. 


  1. A chinchila? Family: Chinchilidae - order: rodentia

  2. That looks like something out of my more surreal dreams. It’s cute though! Can’t wait to find out what it is…

  3. Hi LiEr.
    I am guessing the little creature is a koala bear, it was tricky to guess as his face was not visible. I shall wait and see.
    All the best
    Cornwall ,England

  4. Looks like a muskrat to me. Captain and Tennille had a song "muskrat love" that I listened to endlessly as a child.

  5. Is it a sloth, or maybe a koala? Very cute anyway!

  6. Is it a quokka? Native to Western Australia

  7. R.O.U.S.? Rodent of Unusual Size?

  8. Hmm no idea, but if you didn't know the annimal I probably don't either!

  9. Hmm...real or fictional? I'm guessing a nutria. They're invasive so I guess not hearing of them would be a good thing!

  10. I think one was under my bed last night. But maybe I'm wrong. It might have been the cat...

  11. It certainly looks Australian - I think the quokka would be most likely. And a great choice for a stuffed toy, they are super cute.

  12. I thought wombat but that brought up a quokka in a google search…new to me. But definitely looks like a quokka. I also just recently learned there are pink dolphins in the Amazon.

  13. I'm going to guess chinchilla, too

  14. I am voting quokka, but I first thought it might be a potoroo from the tail. Australian animals are adorable :-) Hello from sunny Adelaide!


Thank you for talking to me! If you have a question, I might reply to it here in the comments or in an email.