Friday, June 25, 2010

I Have No Photos For You

Ooo, catchy title. A confession and warning in one.

So I cleaned up my sewing table at last. Tomorrow I will mess it all up again but tonight I folded, labeled and filed away the kids' slopers, and mine (plus all the different patterns I'd made from it). And also made myself finish the sloper dresses - hems, hooks-and-eyes and so on. I don't do muslins of my slopers, generally. I make them into dresses. I mean, they fit, right? Might as well start out with some wearable fabric - this way the end product will be a wearable garment.

I am glad to say that I used every one of the fabrics I bought early in the Spring - none went into my stash. They all became clothes. Well, except for one soft indigo denim - 3/4 yards of it to make a plain old denim wrap skirt. But now I think maybe I want to make this denim wrap skirt.

Fabulous draping, isn't it? So saree-inspired. I covet. I don't think I can manage that with 3/4 yard, though. Even if I cut each piece out and fake-layer it with facing. And where/when will I wear it? Grocery shopping with three children and disheveled hair (mine, not theirs)? Hm. We'll see - if I'm still coveting it in July, maybe I'll do it.

Maybe this weekend I will get the girls to wear their sloper dresses so there will be some photos at last. And maybe I'll ask the husband to take photos of me wearing the clothes I'm supposed to have sewn.

Here's an idea I want to throw out: If you've been reading this blog for a while, you might know that I was once called the Bib Lady because I obsessively sewed bibs. Several summers ago, I cut out 105 bibs to sew up and - would you believe it - my children grew up and out of bibs before I came anywhere close to sewing them up. In fact, I forgot all about them until Kate dug them out today to play with. And then I said, "Hey! I used to have babies!" and suddenly I was remembering all the sleepless nights and round-the-clock nursing and little jars of Gerber mushy peas and vaccinations and drool and teething fevers and crawling and.... naps. Ah, naps. I don't miss any of that, except the naps.

So anyway, I'm thinking of packing up some of those already-cut-out bibs and giving them away to you to sew up for the babies in your lives. Want? If there are interested people out there, let me know in the comments and I'll do a quick giveaway in the coming week (hopefully with photos) and send those bibs off to better homes.


  1. I would definitely be interested in the bibs, I just had a little girl and the drool is already starting!!!

  2. So you mean you still have those 105 bibs? and you want to give them away?

    I could do with some. Not for myself obviously but friends who are going to give birth/have recently given birth... the flannel here are all quite non-baby-friendly, print-wise.

    Be happy to pay the shipping too.

    Bummer about the skirt. Is very nice. What about buying MORE fabric so that you can do it properly? keke!

  3. I'd love some precut up bibs... I have a three year old and a very dribbly 4 month old, and just enough naps that I should be able to sew them up, especially if i'm not cutting as well,

  4. Like you my kids are well past the bib stage but a dear friend o'mine is preggo atm and I have on my list of things to do (but probably never get round to!) a plan to make her some baby things. Now time is ticking away and I haven't done anything yet so your bibs would be a MAJOR step in the right direction, I'm sure then I could knock up a taggie blanket or two or even a nursing cover (something unseen in the UK in my experience!)

  5. Yes, yes, yes!! I was going out this weekend to buy fabric for bibs! With 2 new grandbabies here all the time we are going through bibs like crazy!!! I'd love your bibs!

  6. Oh, yeah! I would love to have bibs to sew up. I have grand-babies galore, and can never have enough bibs. How generous of you!

    P.S. You know you have a great blog when I pop over here even when your header says you have no pictures!

  7. Free bibs to sew up? Um, yes please?

    I've been known to go a bit overboard in my sewing-in-bulk efforts, too. See: 23859 burp cloths, 13593 shirred sundresses (that it turns out my daughter can't stand, as she doesn't like the way the shirring clings around her chest), etc, etc. I need to moderate my impulses, I think. But hopefully that which we refer to as "NextBaby" will benefit from my excesses and perhaps some new bibs, too. ;)

    Edited to add: the captcha is "ovencup"--isn't that hilarious? I love those things.

  8. That skirt is really cute, but even the 'sale' price nearly knocked me off my chair! You'd better get some more fabric and make yourself one... just think of the $$ you'd be saving! ;) (And please, do make it different in the front so it covers better when you walk! lol)

    I'd be interested in the bibs, for the next grandbaby(ies), if/when I ever get any more!

  9. ME ME ME! We don't actually use bibs, but nearly everyone I know is pregnant or has a tiny baby!

  10. I would love some bibs! I definitely don't need 105 though. I am pregnant with a little girl due in November, plus I have a toddler boy who still uses bibs.

  11. I'd be interested! No babies in my life at the moment but a friend at work is expecting in the fall & I'd like to make her something. Was thinking of a knitting a baby blanket but I've been working on a pair of mittens for 3 months or so, so I think the bibs may be more realistic.

  12. Hi,
    I just came across your blog a few weeks ago and I am a big fan! Your tutorials have really helped me learn to sew. I have a 20 month girl and I am in the process of adopting two more infants from Rwanda. I could definitely use more bibs. Whatever I do not use, I am sure I could pass on to the orphanage in Kigali. They always need donations.

  13. I would surely be interested in the bibs, I Have a 9 months little girl!!!!

  14. Would love a few of those bibs! Not for me, my baby girl is 9. I have great nieces and nephews coming which means my sisters are grandmothers! I like to make Granny bags for them filled with bibs, chew toys, a spare bottle, wipes, etc. etc. Are you looking for any fabric in return? I have a big stash. Would love to send you something in return.


    my email is -- I use my husband's google account. For some silly reason he wants it anonymous.

  15. I have a dear friend who just had a little girl and I would love to pass some bibs on to her! My two are past the bib stage, but I would certainly love to pass them on!

  16. Of course we want the bibs! Lots of drooly messy kiddos await!

  17. I would love some ready-to-sew bibs! I was just thinking about needing to make more bibs.

  18. A tarp would probably be more appropriate for my child. But bibs are cuter. Pick me! Pick me!

  19. That was a lot of bibs...I'm lucky to finish one of anything. I'm gona have a baby girl in early August...maybe end of July??? Anyways, I think I see the need for bibs in the future so I'm totaly interested. =)

  20. I want I want! Boy's prints please. Then I can sew some for Ben. Thanks!

  21. Oh my bib-ness!
    I'm 7 months pregnant. That's just enough time to sew up some ikat bibbies :)

  22. I could definitely use some or one of those bibs. We have a new grandbaby on the way! Thanks.

  23. I'd love a bib! I sewed a few for baby number one, but with baby number 2 on the way, I think she should have at least one new thing, lol!

  24. I would love to sew some bibs! Not for me (as my little ones are fortunately past the all-day-bib-stage....) but for my amazing friends who are venturing into motherhood for the first and third times!

  25. I don't think it would be fair for me to enter since I already have two of your lovely bibs (which is why I'm commenting on this post), but I did want to say that the bibs we have are very well loved, and I am so impressed by the range of fabulous fabrics you have picked out for all of these bibs!


Thank you for talking to me! If you have a question, I might reply to it here in the comments or in an email.