Sunday, March 27, 2011


How I see my life sometimes.


  1. That's such a great drawing! :)

  2. Oh, how lucky to be torn only by two incredibly fun things!

  3. exactly... except mine would have a kid on each foot carry knitting bags - love it!!

  4. What a hoot. Your illustration is perfect!

  5. So you can add drawing to your long, long list of accomplishments!

    That's a glue gun, right? Not the other kind of gun? :)

    Don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I sincerely hope that you don't see your blog as an obligation (I didn't see a computer shackled to you in the photo) - If you need to take a long break from it all, that's okay. Granted, I enjoy reading your blog, but as a mom (and woman) I know it's important to give yourself time off for good behaviour. Or maybe you just need some decent spring weather (goodness knows I'm sick of seeing snow on the ground - over 150 days of it here!)


  6. There are worse things to be chained to! ;)

  7. @Anonymous
    Yes, L, that's a glue gun! And yes, I'm very ready for spring and summer too. All this grey, cement-looking snow stops being pretty after a while.

  8. @Grandma G
    Hear, hear, Grandma G! Like a laundry basket, a broom, the dishwasher, the wok, the vacuum cleaner.......

  9. @sue
    Sue, I drew this last night but if it were another day/week/month, I could easily replace the sewing machine/gluegun/cardboard box with other things, too! Here's an example:
    I'm dressed in my swimsuit, holding goggles and my swimming cap, and there are all three of my small children, and a large chocolate cake, chained to my feet.

  10. ... But maybe you could make a drawing with a jar of Nutella dagling in front of you, like a carrot on a stick?
    :-) Hey, whatever keeps you going, right!

    Seriously: you don't *have* to sew (I think?). I read your Byd & Syd story and I am pretty certain that most people comprehend that one needs the motivation to keep going.

    Besides... I have a sneaky suspicion that you would be just as inspiring and, well, dare I use the word... "entertaining" if you were to write about drumming or whatever else that rouses your interest! You have certainly made me look at solid fabrics and at cardboard in a whole different way. Not to mention Nutella.

    Sabine C

  11. i'm glad i'm not the only one!

  12. Very funny, but love the pic.

  13. I thought I'd share this link with you (you'd have seen it if you read Baby Blues daily!) - it reminded me of your IV Nutella :)

    And what do I find here? Another cartoon! Hilarious. You should think of starting your own strip now!

  14. @Swati
    Swati! Yes! I saw that in the Sunday funnies, too, and I thought, "Chocolate? Lady, you gotta try nutella!"

  15. Amazing, I laughed so hard. You have so much talent!

  16. Oo oo can you draw me? Except I'd be shackled to the cardboard and trying to make a getaway with my sewing machine. :p

  17. Love it, L! Hilarious. And so well drawn too!!!


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