Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seven Songs

Some people were nice enough to send some awards my way in recent (and not so recent) weeks, and I wanted to acknowledge them here.

Honey from Mondorfment and Kia from Green Chicken 31 gave me the Versatile Blogger Award - thank you!

Kari from Moo Said The Mama gave me the Blog With Substance award - thank you!

I regret to say that I (as usual) shall be breaking the rules and not passing these awards on to other people. I shall instead (as usual) make a list of random nonsense from my life for your entertainment. Today's random topic is Songs - and I present here a very small sampling of the somewhat eclectic music I listen to. I am leaving out ABBA, sadly, so as not to reveal how ancient I am. Oops, I think just mentioning that was a mistake.

Seven Songs

1 Currently Stuck In My Head:
Coldplay's Viva La Vida

2 Hippest Version Of Church Staple:

3 Hands Down Absolute Best for Long Car Rides On The Interstate (Watch your Speedometer!)

4 Most Likely To Inspire (and Despair) Me To Play The Congas
Mongo Santamaria's Obatala

5 Most Fabulous Guitar Played With Nine Digits (or any digits)
Phil Keaggy's anything. OK, I'll pick one song.... one of his acoustic pieces .... The Wind And The Wheat

6 Quirkiest aka Best Song To Practise Funny Voices Along With
Throat Culture's Easter Island Head

7 My Wedding Processional, which still gives me goosebumps
Ennio Morricone's Gabriel's Oboe


  1. You always make me laugh - I love it!
    I had fun strolling around through your playlist and hello, why leave out ABBA?? They are freakin' awesome and I don't care who knows I'm almost 40!!

  2. Ya la! Why leave out ABBA? Traitor.

  3. I love your playlist. Just heard Gabriel's Oboe for the first time - great piece - I can imagine how beautiful it was as a wedding piece!


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