Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Sewing II

A short break from essential summer clothes to
make this other essential summer thing:

Looks a bit like someone went crazy with a dot painter, yes.

But it is a big pad/cushion for this:

Feels good to be done with strollers - single,
umbrella - you name it, we have it.
Now we can ride in style. Markets, zoos,
festivals, fairs, here we come.


  1. The cushion is great! BUT, your models are gorgeously cute!!!

  2. che meraviglia queste bambine!! ciao ciao!!

  3. Oooo This is nice. Tell more about the dot painter. Washable....and more? And, I love the sewing in Summer 1, fabulous.

  4. Ooty said exactly what I was going to say. :)

  5. Debbie - no, the fabric is preprinted that way. The print just looked as if someone went a little crazy with the dot painter, which is this kid's art thing:

    Sorry for confusing you -


  6. What a cute idea! All bright and cheery!

  7. And in the winter you can use it to ride down the stairs! (That last shot reminded me of a large bolster pillow my sister had when we were young, bought in France I think where they seem to favour the bolster style. We used it to ride down the stairs sitting on it much like Jenna seems to be doing in the last photo).


Thank you for talking to me! If you have a question, I might reply to it here in the comments or in an email.