I have been hibernating and eating chocolate.
It's winter, see.
And the cold has sapped all my happiness.
Every summer, I sit at the pool with winter-amnesia and think, "Hey, this is exactly like Singapore but without the claustrophobic masses of people and the suffocating humidity!" and wonder how I could ever have had any emotion other than joy and peace and goodwill toward men, women, children and small animals.
Then January happens and . . . oh, yeah, I remember now.
Seasonal bipolar disorder, is what I call it.
The locals call it "Uffda, It's Above Zero Today, Let's Go Jogging Outdoors In Shorts."
And January turns into February.
And February stays forever.
look what the good ladies at Sew Mama Sew have got up their sleeves for the next six weeks to take us into spring (may she vanquish winter forever and ever, amen)!
Check out the guest list!
I will be there. With a soft toy.
Among some very serious soft toy engineers.
I do not consider myself a serious soft toy engineer.
I rather imagine myself a cardboard person who also sews bags and clothes because she can't find stuff in the stores to buy. And sometimes toys, because her children asked her nicely.
But, honest self-assessment aside, I am very honored and a bit frightened to be among such distinguished company.
So frightened, in fact, that I went off the deep end two weeks ago and started sewing so many soft toys that we might need a house extension unless I consider selling some off just to make room to move around.
But the children all said, "Yay! Another one! Please don't sell this one!" whenever they came home from school to find me wild-eyed and with bits of stuffing adhered to my clothes.
So, catastrophic sewing room notwithstanding, I know I'm on the right track, because my children have excellent track records in toy quality-control and market sampling.
And that is the end of my story.
Until March, when you can find me on SMS sharing a softie sloper/block (because I sew everything from slopers and blocks, so why should toys be any different?). In the meantime, enjoy the series, make some stuffed critters with the guests, donate a toy, win a Pfaff machine and chase away the winter blues.